Monday, August 22, 2016

Update from Global CSO: High-Level Political Forum on the 2030 Agenda and SDGs

Civil society expresses discontent over dire state of Means of Implementation

A report by Bhumika Muchhala (Third World Network)

Civil society organizations made their voices heard through bold, direct and urgent statements, reports and panel events through the eight days of the High Level Political Forum (HLPF) of which three days were at the Ministerial level.  The HLPF met at the UN headquarters in New York on 11 to 20 July.

Perhaps the most notable report was the Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2016, a report of the Reflection Group on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (availablehere:

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Global Crisis and Challenges Faced by Muslim From Within and Beyond

Dihadiri oleh 25 peserta dari Bangladesh, India, Mesir, Kashmir, Srilanka, Indonesia, Malaysia, dan Thailand, dua hari workshop yang mengangkat isu “Towards inclusive, prosperous local and global community, bertujuan memberikan ruang berpikir kritis bagi muslim dari berbagai latar belakang tentang peran strategis dalam merespon isu displacement, minority prosecution, dan sustainable peace. Hampir sebagian besar peserta yang hadir adalah wajah baru yang memiliki latar belakang pekerjaan beragam dan cara pandang keislaman yang beragam. Diselenggarakan di Training center AMAN di Nongchok Bangkok pada tanggal 30-31 July 2016, peserta dan sekaligus nara sumber diberikan waktu untuk memaparkan pekerjaan mereka pada tiga sesi utama dan ditutup dengan diskusi kelompok yang membahas rekomendasi program untuk AMAN ke depan. Workshop dua hari ini mengambil tema The Critical Issues and Challeges Faced by the Muslim World From Within and Beyond”